Presented by Dr. Ed Breitschwerdt 2020
These modules provide 1 CME and AAFP credit for continuing education to medical professions:
Bartonellosis: History of a hidden epidemic
1.0 CME. Provides an overview of the history of Bartonella spp infection, It describes the medically relevant history of bartonelloses prior to the recognition of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) epidemic in the 1980’s. Gives an overview of medical history associated with the discovery of Cat Scratch Disease and the eventual identification of Bartonella henselae as the definitive causative agent.
Bartonelloses: Vectors and other modes of transmission
1.0 CME. Provides an overview of key vectors and modes of transmission associated with Bartonella spp. infection, with special attention to ongoing debates surrounding tick transmission, perinatal transmission, and other modes, like transfusion and needlesticks.
Bartonelloses reservoir hosts: Bats, cats, dogs, mice and men
1.0 CME. Provides an overview of Bartonella spp. infection, both pathogenic and species-adapted, in various hosts and reservoirs, including bats, cats, dogs, and people.
Bartonelloses and comparative infectious disease causation
1.0 CME. Introduces a new postulate of comparative infectious disease for elusive, slow-growing, zoonotic, vector-borne diseases like Bartonella spp infection and describes the comparative features of Bartonellosis in dogs and people with particular attention to geographic and occupational risk factors.
Bartonella species, disease expression and host immunity
1.0 CME/ 1 AAFP: Provides an overview of the major factors that influence disease expression resulting from Bartonella spp infection with particular attention to bacterial infection strategies and the histopathological progression of lesions observed in both immunocompetent and severely immunodeficient patients.
Diagnosis of Bartonella species infections
1.0 CME/ 1AAFP: Describes the advantages and limitations of different diagnostic methodologies for confirmation of Bartonella spp. infection, as well as recent advances in sample enrichment for direct detection of infection of this immune-evasive, slow-growing bacterial infection.
LymeMIND 5th Annual Virtual Conference 2020
Bartonella and Co-infections - Clinically relevant broad overview of Bartonella characteristics with tribute to Dr. Neil Spector who recently passed due to complications of Lyme Disease. (presented by Dr. Ericson, Dr. Breitschwerdt, Dr. Mozayeni, pre-taped landmark talk by Dr. Spector in 2019)
Crypto-Infections Conference 2019
The Science behind Co-infections
Bartonella in Chronic Infection, Persistence and Challenges of Treatment (presented by Dr. Ricardo Maggi)
University of Sydney | Center for Veterinary Education
Ian Beveridge Memorial Lecture 2014
Bartonellosis: One Health Perspective on an Emerging Infectious Disease (presented by Dr. Brietschwerdt)
2nd European Crypto-Infections Conference 2020
Clinical spectrum of persistent Bartonella infection and considerations in Diagnosis and Treatment (presented by Dr. Robert Mozayeni, MD)
One Health: Forming collaborations that transcend disciplinary boundaries (Dr. Cheryl Stroud, DVM)
Endocarditis, a common pathology caused by chronic Bartonella infections in both animals and humans (Professor Bruno Chomel)
Neglected Infections & Gastrointestinal Issues In Patients With Late/Chronic Vector-Borne Infections (Tanja Mijatovic)
Tick bites in pregnancy - How are offspring affected: lessons from animals, application to humans (Prof. Jack Lambert)
(IN)Visible International Montecalvo Education:
Diagnosis of Bartonella Species Infections (Dr. Ed Breitschwerdt)
Bartonella for Clinicians: Unravelling a Clinical Dilemna (by IGeneX and Dr. Burrascano, MD)
The webinar, titled Bartonella for Clinicians: Unravelling a Clinical Dilemna, provides an overview of the symptoms, tests, and treatment of Bartonella, and is especially important for physicians who are trying to serve patients with this complex disease
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